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    FAQ for the cameras running the O-KAM Pro APP

    On this page, you'll find the solutions to following issues:

    - How to configure the camera (QR code)?
    - How to configure the camera if the QR code didn't work?
    - How to use the O-KAM Pro App?
    - How to maximize the battery life of the wirefree security camera?
    - How to enable Alexa?
    - How to share the camera with a family member?
    - How to upgrade the firmware?
    - How to fix the camera if it can't pick up motion properly?

    Plz feel free to contact us, we'd love to help you with any questions.


    1. How to configure the camera (QR code)?


    2. How to configure the camera if the QR code didn't work?


    3. O-KAM Pro APP function walk through.


    4. How to maximize the battery life of the wirefree security camera?

    5. How to enable Alexa?

    6. How to share the camera with a family member?

    7. It's very important to keep the firmware up to date.

     8. How to fix it if the camera doesn't pick up motion very well?


    9. This is the reason why the place of installation matters



    User guide for 2.4G Wire-Free Security Camera-(O-KAM Pro)

    1. Please Download the O-KAM Pro APP and Register an account: 


    2. How to configure the camera to your phone

    3. How to install the camera properly?

    4. Customer service:

    For any questions regarding camera orders or hardware warranty issues, please get in touch with us, the manufacturer, directly via email or online chat.
    Since we are in different time zones, we will respond promptly in 24 hours.

    Messenger: Rraycom Aftersales


    For any inquiries about using the OKAM Pro APP, you can also reach out directly through the Help Center within the OKAM app or by calling the following phone number.

    OKAM APP Support

    Phone Number: (+1) 2692189888 
    Support Time: EDT 09:00-18:00


    5. Limited Free gifts

    We're giving away limited freebies to our new customers. And there are only a few left. If you're interesed, please contact us:

    You may choose one of these:

    A: 3 months Free Cloud service( $15 )

    B: A $5 amazon gift card



    User Manuals